Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blues Chapel and Last Words and Other Stuff

Want to see something really incredible? Please check out my sister Susan's Blues Chapel and Last Words . What is it, you ask? It is her two solo but related art installations . It is now open in Columbia, SC and runs through the 16th of February. If you haven't seen what she does, you'll definitely want to check it out. If you have seen her work, then you are already a fan and know where to find her blog!

I am plugging away on Sometimes Together, my blackwork and stones piece. It's really full and pretty and I am completely addicted to it! If you click to enlarge, maybe you can see that the beads on the "in between" patterns are all outlined with a corresponding color. It's slow work but very worth it. And I can't tell you how good I am at starting and tying off the thread now! Susan...you will be so proud of me! No more long strings covering the back!

I know I need to change the setting on my camera to get clearer close up pictures but I keep forgetting. Maybe some day....

I've been thinking alot about my family these days, especially my Mom and Dad. A year ago, they were here. We had such a wonderful time. Even in cooking, I think of them.

Dad, you would have LOVED this! And look how green it is! Mom, you would be proud...I used only about 5 drops of oil! It was healthy, good and pretty!

And another picture for you, Dad...

My poinsetta is still alive!!!!! You are the master of keeping the stupid things alive for years and years and years.....I wish I could give this little one to you.


Joyce said...

Wow! That is a lot of hand sewing. The salad looks delicious.

Linda of the Lake said...

Artistic even in food! I love your piece. It is coming along beautifully. Wish you could exhibit it somewhere. I remember when I saw your work in the Cyber Fyber exhibit! Awesome!

em's scrapbag said...

The food is making me so hungry.
Your sister's work is amazing.

Susan Elliott said...

Wanda, that dinner looks awesome! I love love love how your piece is progressing..very very curious to see what's going in those corners between squares...

I have, indeed, admired your sister's work and have been following her updates on her exhibition. I hope someone up here will pick it up so I could see it all in person. What a talented family you have! The comment about the green things made me laugh...I'm always asking for more green and less oil when my husband cooks...but hey, at least he cooks, right??

Dani - tkdchick said...

I'm stil very impressed with your Sometimes together piece!

Sorry to hear you're sounding a little homesick!


That pasta shrimp dish looks soooo good!!!