Friday, November 28, 2014

Wanda's World...or

The never-ending gray, dark and fog make it almost impossible to find the energy to do much. Memories just seem to dance through my mind today. I am posting a few random pictures...just because! Here's to hoping the sun breaks through the fog tomorrow!!! Have a great day!
Series: Two Seasons
Piece: Golden Autumn
This year's turkey was outstanding
One of two of my woodpecker neighbors
Abby loved Thanksgiving, too!  We had many, many together!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Hardanger - Reinhard's Choice, Wanda's Colors New Piece

 I finished the 2nd piece in this series.  My plan was to make 9 of them and sew them together to make a really neat table piece.
 It turned out pretty nice and I love the colors.  There is just one thing wrong......

As you can see, even though the two pieces are stitched exactly the same, they aren't the same.
This was a study in the differences in fabric.  I never really thought about the "Delve and Woof" or whatever it is called (Susan....what is it called??) but I just know that is what is causing the different shapes and sizes.

I used my best Belfast Linen on the blue one and just a plain old "Linen" made in China on the red one.

I am on "Hardanger pause" now. My next piece(s) will be back to the roots, so to speak.
No Susan....NOT that far back!! It's not needlepoint..ha ha. I was struck with a Blackwork idea and am busy designing.